Fire Damage Prediction Tool

Enter the following details about your property to receive a fire damage prediction based on historical data and our model. This tool helps you better understand potential fire damage your property may incur. Data to create the prediction tool is from the California Department of Insurance and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

i Find the latitude and longitude of your house here:
i Find the latitude and longitude of your house here:
i Find the most recent "Tax Assessment" for your property on Zillow. Visit: Zillow, then scroll down to the "Tax Assessment" section for this value.

The housing characteristics below are highly recommended but not required. If you don’t have this information regarding your house, we suggest you input your best guess after reading this document, visiting for more information, or selecting “Other/Unknown” for each dropdown.


Damage Level Explanation
0 - No Damage Predicted Property could be 0% Damaged
In the case of a wildfire event in which your home is inside or within 100 meters of the wildfire perimeter, your home is predicted to have no significant damage to the structure.
1 - Moderate Damage Predicted Property could be 1% - 50% Damaged
In the case of a wildfire event in which your home is inside or within 100 meters of the wildfire perimeter, your home is predicted to have moderate levels of damage that can range from 1 to 50% of your structure being impacted.
2 - Severe Damage Predicted Property could be > 50% Damaged
In the case of a wildfire event in which your home is inside or within 100 meters of the wildfire perimeter, your home is predicted to have significant levels of damage impacting anywhere between 50-100% of your structure.
Suggestions to Maintain Safety
  • Regularly clear any dead vegetation, leaves, or debris within 30 feet of your home.
  • Ensure your roof and exterior walls are constructed with fire-resistant materials.
  • Install ember-resistant vents to prevent embers from entering your home.
  • Additional resources: Firewise, CalFire
Disclaimer: the predictions provided by this tool are estimates and should be used with caution.

Please note: The predictions provided by this tool are estimates and should be used as a guide. None of your information will be stored.