Fire Damage & Insurance Dashboards

Below are dashboards for the following: Median Fire Damage by Zip Code, Average Insurance by Zip Code, and Insurance Trends Over Time. Data is taken from the California Department of Insurance and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. You can hover over the map visualizations to view specific information regarding zip codes and metrics.

Damage Map Dashboard

Explore historical median property damage levels caused by wildfires per zip code. Filter by home type and year(s) of interest, explore how damage levels have changed over time, and identify zip codes with high historical rates of wildfire damage. Hover over the map directly to display detailed damage levels and zip codes. (Data source: Cal Fire Damage Inspection Data from 2013 to 2021).


Home Type

HC Condominium Unit Owner, defined as HO6 or equivalent. Homeowners insurance sold to condominium owners occupying or renting out the insured property.
HO Homeowners, defined as HO1, HO2, HO3, HO5, HO8, or equivalent. Homeowners insurance sold to owners occupying the insured property.
MO Mobile Home, defined as HO7 or equivalent. Homeowners insurance sold to owners occupying or renting out the insured mobile home.

Median Damage (0-2)

0 No Damage (0% Damaged)
0.5 No Damage to Moderate Damage (Equal Counts of 0s and 1s)
1 Moderate Damage (1%-50% Damaged)
1.5 Moderate Damage to High Damage (Equal Counts of 1s and 2s)
2 High Damage (>50% Damaged)

Disclaimer: This map is for informational purposes only and may not represent a comprehensive account of all wildfire damage during the specified period. Information presented in this damage map should be used with caution, and levels of damage due to wildfires are volatile and subject to change due to evolving factors. Additionally, not all home types (such as apartments) are represented in this dataset as Cal Fire assessed damage on a limited category of property types.

Insurance Map Dashboard

Explore historical insurance data on insurance policies and coverages. Filter by insurance metric such as deductible amounts, home type of interest, and year to view insurance trends and changes per zip code over time. Hover over the map directly to display detailed metrics and zip codes. (Data source: California Department of Insurance data from 2009 to 2021).

Insurance Metrics

Avg DeductibleThe average deductible amount in dollars ($).
Avg Fire Cov AThe average dollar ($) amount of insurance provided under Coverage A (Structure).
Avg Fire Cov CThe average dollar ($) amount of insurance provided under Coverage C (Contents).
Count of MERGED_P...IGNORE (Technical Necessity, Disregard this Information).
Earned ExposureThe number of exposure units earned during the calendar year (in exposure-years).
Earned PremiumThe dollar ($) amount of premium earned.
Total PoliciesThe total number of policies in-effect during the calendar year.

Disclaimer: This map is for informational purposes only and may not represent a comprehensive account of all insurance data in California. Additionally, note that years 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 are missing from the map, as these years were not collected by the California Department of Insurance. Furthermore, the map includes insurance companies with annual premiums exceeding $10,000,000 as this is what is collected by the California Department of Insurance. Thus companies that do not meet this requirement are not represented in this visual.

Insurance Trends Over Time Dashboard

Explore insurance trends over time for particular zip codes and home types of interest. Filter by zip code, insurance metric, and home type to view year over year changes and patterns, and compare changes in multiple zip codes. Hover over line graphs to view detailed metrics, zip code, and year. (Data source: California Department of Insurance data from 2009 to 2021).

Insurance Metrics

Avg DeductibleThe average deductible amount in dollars ($).
Avg Fire Cov AThe average dollar ($) amount of insurance provided under Coverage A (Structure).
Avg Fire Cov CThe average dollar ($) amount of insurance provided under Coverage C (Contents).
Count of MERGED_P...IGNORE (Technical Necessity, Disregard this Information).
Earned ExposureThe number of exposure units earned during the calendar year (in exposure-years).
Earned PremiumThe dollar ($) amount of premium earned.
Total PoliciesThe total number of policies in-effect during the calendar year.

Disclaimer: this visual is for informational purposes only and may not represent a comprehensive account of all insurance data in California. Additionally, note that years 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 are not collected by the California Department of Insurance, thus the linear trends noted during these years represent estimates which may deviate from actual annual insurance business during these years. Furthermore, the map includes insurance companies with annual premiums exceeding $10,000,000 as this is what is collected by the California Department of Insurance. Thus companies that do not meet this requirement are not represented in this visual.